Bible Reading Plan — Gospel Hope Church - Atlanta, GA

Many of you probably have had a Bible reading plan of some kind that you’ve done on your own. But this year, we want to run this race together. If you’re consistently in the Word, how can you encourage others in the church to be consistent? If you are not consistent in the Word, wouldn’t you love someone to come alongside of you to help you?

So this year, there will be an opportunity for you as a part of Gospel Hope Church to read the Bible together with your church family.

The “Entire Bible in a Year” Plan

As followers of Jesus, we’re called to lifelong discipleship walking in his footsteps. Our greatest asset in this walk is God’s own Word-the Bible. This reading plan guides you through the entire Bible in one year, reading every verse, chapter, and book one time. You’ll read from OT and NT every day and a chapter from Psalms or Proverbs every second day.

We encourage you to commit to reading through this plan with your D.N.A. group if you are part of one or to choose two people to read through this plan together.


Our congregation can also sign up through the Bible App/YouVersion, which will give you the daily sections to your phone: