We believe that
leadership development
is central to our mission
to make disciples.

In light of this, we have created both a leadership development PIPELINE & leadership development PATHWAYS.

These tools are aimed at helping Gospel Hope discover, develop and deploy the next generation of disciple-making leaders.



We our convinced that every follower of Christ has been uniquely gifted by the Spirit and called by the Lord to use those gifts for the good of others.  Because of this conviction, we have created a structured leadership development pipeline.  

Our desire is to give every member of the Gospel Hope family the opportunity to progress from Leading Others to Leading Leaders to Leading a Ministry to perhaps even Leading the Church.  


As you progress through the PIPELINE, you will be invited into several incremental development opportunities.  If you would like to explore some of these opportunities, here are a few available to anyone who is interested.


Multiplication Pipeline Cohort

The Multiplication Pipeline Cohort is designed to help followers of Jesus grow in their missional leadership. Those participating in this cohort will complete assignments on their own as well as meet weekly with an assigned mentor. The schedule for the cohort will roughly follow a traditional school calendar and will consist of about 30 sessions. You can preview the training at the Multiplication Pipeline website. If you are interested in being part of this cohort, you can register on the Gospel Hope registrations page. The deadline for the fall semester of Multiplication Pipeline is July 15th.


Global Missions Training Cohort

At Gospel Hope, we desire to be a church that consistently sends some of our best and brightest to the nations. The Global Missions Training Cohort is aimed at helping those with an interest in serving globally prepare for what the Lord has for them. Those participating in this cohort will meet weekly to read the bible, reflect and serve together all with an emphasis on global missions. You can preview our curriculum on the Deepen Discipleship website. This course begins in March and meet for 25 weeks. The cohort will gather during the traditional school year (September-May). If you are interested in being a part of this cohort you can register on the Gospel Hope registrations page.


Seminary Partnerships

Through our partnership with the Southern Baptist Convention, any Gospel Hope member may pursue theological education at significantly discounted rates at any of the Southern Baptist Seminaries. Gospel Hope members are also eligible to pursue scholarship opportunities through the Georgia Baptist Foundation.


While we acknowledge that every believer is called to leverage their lives for Christ’s kingdom, we also recognize that not everyone is burdened or equipped in exactly the same way. 

Because of this, we have designed diverse pathways to help each member of the body pursue God’s design for their lives.


The Ministry Pathway


The Ministry Pathway is designed for those who love to serve and mobilize others for service in the local church.  This pathway will help you more effectively make disciples through your involvement in the various ministries of Gospel Hope.

Development through
the Ministry Pathway
typically follows this progression:


The best way to get plugged into our Ministry Pathway is to begin serving on one of our Ministry Teams.  There are number different teams on which you can serve. You can find out more information about all our teams by visiting our Ministry Team page on the Gospel Hope website. 


The Shepherding Pathway


The Shepherding Pathway is aimed at helping those who find joy in caring for others develop their shepherding ability.  At Gospel Hope we believe that living in community in a critical part of what it means to follow Jesus.  Because of this, our Community Groups play a significant role in the life of our church and are designed to help shepherding leaders grow and develop.

Development through
the Shepherding Pathway
typically follows this progression:


To get started on the Shepherding Pathway simply join a Community Group and ask the Community Group Leaders about ways you can be involved.  You can learn more about our Community Groups and the various roles in which you can serve  on our Community Group page on the Gospel Hope website.


The Sending Pathway


The Sending Pathway is designed to help Gospel Hope raise up the next generation of disciple-making leaders both locally and globally.  We believe that healthy churches are multiplying churches, so we want to consistently train and send out church planters, church revitalizers and missionaries.  Because of this we have created a ministry apprenticeship and residency program to help emerging leaders grow.  

Development through
the SENDING Pathway
typically follows this progression:


We realize that individuals will come to Gospel Hope at different seasons of life and with varying degrees of experience and calling.  In order to help us develop and deploy all those feeling led to ministry leadership, Gospel Hope offers several opportunities for growth through our apprenticeships and residencies.

Tier 1 & 2

Those accepted as Ministry Apprentices will receive both discounted theological training and practical ministry opportunities at Gospel Hope.  Based on availability, experience and other factors apprentices can either be part-time (15 hours per week) or full-time (40 hours per week). 

  • Both Tier 1 & 2 Ministry Apprentices will serve as part of the Gospel Hope staff and be given oversight of particular areas of ministry; specific duties assigned will vary based on the apprentice and needs of the church at that time.

  • Apprentices will be asked to raise their own financial support.  Gospel Hope’s leadership can offer some training resources to help with this process.   Gospel Hope may also be able to provide a stipend, scholarships and reduced cost housing to apprentices.  The available options will be discussed if an applicant is offered an apprenticeship.   

  •  Apprenticeships will sign an annual contract that starts on August 1st and are eligible to apply for a second year of apprenticeship and an additional year of residency (see below) during their annual review with the pastoral team.  If you have any questions about the apprenticeship, please contact us at admin@gospelhopechurch.com.

If you are interested in applying for an apprenticeship, please fill out this application.  Our deadline to receive applications is June 1st.  


Those who complete two years of apprenticeship or who come to Gospel Hope with a clear sense of calling towards church planting or global missions can apply for a residency.  All those who desire Gospel Hope to be their sending church should  expect to complete the Send Network Assessment and  spend approximately from 12-18 months serving at Gospel Hope before being endorsed as Gospel Hope church planter or global missionary. 

  • Residents will have access to a wide variety of leadership development opportunities at Gospel Hope and as they have capacity and will be given leadership responsibilities in the church.  The specific training and leadership opportunities will be discussed with the pastoral team after a residency applicant is offered a position.   

  • Gospel Hope may be able to provide a stipend for residents, but residents should expect to do a significant amount of fundraising. 


Those interested in pursuing a residency at Gospel Hope should fill out this application.  If you have any questions about the residency or our application process, please contact us at admin@gospelhopechurch.com.